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PEEK 被选为核反应装置密封材料-wwwpeek

PEEK 被选为核反应装置密封材料-wwwpeek

PEEK 被选为核反应装置密封材料

   网内少见报道:位于美国德洲Humble市的EGC关键组件生产公司,较近选择了位于宾夕法尼亚康斯霍肯的Victrex出品的PEEK,作为较性能攸关的核能工业中的自行中止密闭系统装置的生产材料。由此材料制作的系统装置-即自行中止密闭系统装置,*弹簧或活塞,用于防止反应堆紧急关闭时,潜在的反应装置冷却剂泄露。测试表明,此种PEEK密闭装置可于较严苛的环境下,单独承受额外96小时不间断使用,满足美国核管理**(Nuclear Regulatory Commission)提出的标准要求。

     一般核反应装置的冷却系统要求能承受**过15年的不间断工作。EGC公司**的密闭系统测试包括了采用 400 华氏度的水,以750 磅每平方英寸的密闭压强工作2小时,完成之后,水温又随即增加至560 华氏度,压强增加至 1250磅每平方英寸。实验表明,尽管在如此极限条件以及损耗式的密闭冷却工作之后,自行密闭系统中PEEK环仍然完好无损,而冷却剂亦无明显损耗。p   翻译:Richard.Wong


WEB EXCLUSIVE: Victrex PEEK was selected by EGC Critical Components for a seal system designed to prevent nuclear reactor coolant leaks during an emergency shutdown.
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WEB EXCLUSIVE: EGC Critical Components, Humble, Texas, recently selected PEEK from Victrex, Conshohoken, Pa., for the self-actuated abeyance seal system in one of the most performance-critical industries, nuclear energy generation. The material selection and design for this application—a self-actuated abeyance seal without the need of springs or pistons—was created to manage potential reactor coolant leaks during an emergency shutdown. Tests have shown this PEEK sealing system alone can add an additional 96 hr of continuous use under the most rigorous operating environments, meeting the demands of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Reactor cooling systems are expected to withstand continuous service of more than 15 years. Testing of the EGC patented sealing system included 2 hr in 400 F water with a sealing pressure of 750 psi. Once completed, the temperature and pressure were increased to 560 F and 1250 psi. Even under extreme conditions and loss of seal cooling, the Victrex PEEK ring within the abeyance seal system was intact, with no appreciable loss of reactor coolant.
